Church Lane, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 5LA
0113 258 1719
Team Rector: The Revd. Nigel Sinclair
Tel. 258 2481,​
Find us on Facebook
Regular Services at St. Margaret's

Sunday Morning Services
8am - BCP Communion. A short, weekly service of Holy Communion, without hymns and using the traditional language of the 1662 Prayer Book.
10am - Most weeks, we celebrate communion together: A modern language communion service (Order 1) with choir and Junior Church. Once a month, we enjoy morning worship instead of a communion service, and on special occasions we welcome the Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, Scouts, Cubs & Beavers, for a Parade Service. Check out the 'St. Margaret's News' tab, or our Facebook page, for details of upcoming services.
Evening Services
6pm - Evening Prayer - a beautifully short and simple service, held every Sunday, with music, readings, a short refelction and the space to just sit and 'be'. A perfect way to end the day, and a moment of stillness at the beginning of another busy week.
Choral Evensong: Check out the 'St. Margaret's News' tab, as well as our Facebook page, to see if we have any upcoming services of Choral Evensong. Often celebrated on special occasions during the church year, they are are a real treat. Come and enjoy some beautiful words and music, in a beautiful setting... good for the soul! In our usual 6pm slot.